Zone: 3-8
Height: 5-6 m (15-20 ft) maintain desired size with pruning
Spread: 5-6 m (15-20 ft)
Growth: natural shape is a large, round, multi-stemmed shrub. Shaping is easy with late winter pruning which stimulates rapid growth in spring. The new stems are brilliant orange/pink, becoming very ornamental with tricolour semi-weeping foliage (white, coral/pink, bright green), that changes through the season.
Light: Full sun to shade (nice in the understory of dark trees)
Water: Tolerates wet and irregular moisture
Soil: Tolerates variable soil
Garden location: Feature plant, hedge, understory, near water
Salix integra 'Hakuro Nishiki' (Dappled willow)
The Hakuro Nishiki or Dappled willow was created for Japanese gardens. Its pruned form and colourful stems provide great winter interest. As a group, willows are highly utilitarian (basketry, wattle and daub construction). The bark contains a natural aspirin and a "tea" from this contains a plant growth stimulant that helps cuttings root.