Zone: 6-9
Height: 9-15 m [30-50ft]
Spread: 9-10 m [30-33 ft]
Bloom: May; Showy light purple, occasionally white; lightly fragrant
Foliage: Deciduous, medium green, soft, very large heart-shaped leaves
Fruit: Seedpods ripen Sept.-Oct. Self-fertile
Light: Full sun
Water: Moderate
Soil: Tolerant of all soils; prefers moist but well-drained
Maintenance: Can be pollarded or coppiced for smaller size
Garden site: A stunning ornamental tree in an open setting; here best grown in a sheltered, sunny site
Paulownia tomentosa (Empress tree)
A very ornamental and fast growing tree. Pollution and pest tolerant. Wood is used for making boxes, clogs, furniture, musical instruments etc. Good for posts and beams in construction, and for making charcoal. Can become invasive in warmer zones... caution in these climate-warming times.