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Zone:  Not fully hardy here (Zone 6a) so treat as an annual.  If well-protected, may overwinter and bloom second year.

Height:  0.5-1.5 meters (1.5-5 feet)

Spread:  1.0-1.2 meters (3-4 feet)

Bloom:  Cardoons seldom bloom here (see Zone, above)

Flower:  If overwintered, will bloom with a spectacular purple thistle like that of the artichoke (Cynara scolymus).

Foliage:  Velvety silvery-blue-green giant leaves, deeply cut, edible

Light:  Full sun; will tolerate part shade

Water:  Minimal, once established

Soil:  Rich and well-drained 

Other:  Leaf stalks are edible - especially popular in Italian cuisine

Garden locations:  Dramatic and bold accent plant; esp. nice in raised area


CARDOON - Cynara cardunculus

  • Cardoons are stunning in the landscape, especially against a dark background.  Use to outline a walkway or draw attention to an area.