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Humid, misty days - July 20, 2021

Cheyenne Spirit Echinacea

Today, there is a cool, welcome breeze with misty air, so welcome from the heat and humidity of the last few days. Garlic has been harvested this week. Two types were planted and harvested: German Hardneck and Red Russian.

G.H. garlic bulb and size 5.5 boot

G.H bulbs: large scape trimmed while growing; small with scape untrimmed

Red Russian garlic bulb

Above, are pictures of examples of this past week's garlic harvest. There has been debate of growing garlic with 'scape on vs. scape off'. In the pictures, it seems evident that the bulbs grow larger when not having to put effort into growing scapes as well as bulbs.

Yes, the daylily time of year is upon us, and there are many very beautiful examples of hemerocallis to view....

More next week.....

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Jul 26, 2021

Love the mixed colours of the echinacea!

J.K. Cartwright
J.K. Cartwright
Jul 26, 2021
Replying to

Those colours are all from Cheyenne Spirit doing it's own thing.....Amazing!

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