Missed a week, could blame it on very hot and humid weather.....
Work has continued on the new rock walls and excavations here. The large wall is part of what will be a new large greenhouse built into the sidehill and to house the rice seedlings in very early spring until they are ready for planting out.

This picture shows terracing of landscape and beginning courses of stone wall.

View from above

Just the finishing course[s] of granite to be done.
This basalt stone, heat retaining wall which is approximately 30 meters[100 feet] long x 2 meters [5-6 feet] high, forms the back wall of the rice greenhouse, which will have a wall of grapevines trellised onto the sloped glass front wall.

This is the business which takes credit for the fine excavation and this most recent rock work here at NikianGardens. Thank you, Greg!
Meantime, plants are rocketing along: peas, thousands of peas are ready; strawberry and haskap seasons are done; second crop of lettuce is ready to be devoured; there are many glorious roses to be enjoyed. Sour cherries are being picked as I write.
And here is the latest on our rice crop. Plants are just beginning to make seed/grain, and this is about a month early. Each plant has been 'tillering' well, which indicates healthy, happy plant growth.

As you can see, the crop is growing nicely since it's planting on June 7th

Instead of just the initial stalk that was transplanted, this plant has branched or 'tillered' another 6-7 stalks, making rice an extremely economical crop to grow.

Such a busy site with the the greenhouse, and the beautifully growing/expanding rice crop!