The spring frenzy of blooming bulbs has slowed and as well, the lovely spring flowering trees and shrubs [pear, apple, lilac, black locust] with their ephemeral perfumes have finished their blossoming. Many of the splendid iris varieties here at Nikian Gardens have finished their show and have made way for mid-summer beauty. Now is the time of the rose here, with the air wonderfully fragrant, and there is much bird song of many species. I will mention that these organic gardens harbour many avian species, the number of which has increased over the two decades of Nikian's stewardship. While not having made a concerted bird count, just from any day's listening and observing there are:
Swallows - cliff, tree, barn
American Robin
Song Sparrow
American Goldfinch
European Starlings
Pigeons - of some sort
Blue Jay
Hummingbirds - several species, but I have not identified them yet
Northern Harrier
Red Winged Blackbird
Boat Tailed Grackle
Mourning Doves
Bohemian Waxwing
Thrush - Probably Hermit, as I have heard but not seen it.
Rosebreasted Grosbeak
Bald Eagle
These are merely a few that I have seen and heard.
An interesting finding, is that the rice paddy's have encouraged an abundance of water and marsh loving species which have reemerged and are proliferating. So far this summer, we have documented two species of turtle [Snapping and Wood], mentioned in a previous blog.
Insect life has increased, which has caused proliferation of dragonfly species that feed on smaller biting creatures. Also, the swallow population has increased dramatically, including the endangered Barn Swallow [Hirundo rustica], having gone from almost nil to dozens, all of whom feed constantly on the insect populace, keeping the grounds' biting insects at bay. There are hundreds of species of botanical treasures to be enjoyed here, as well as burgeoning species of wildlife....Everything is doing it's level best to grow quickly in our summer season.
How fabulous to see the change in the environment and wildlife in just a few years time!